Counselling Services

Family Relationship Counselling

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Family Relationship Counselling Service in Pune

Family is a child’s first source of support and love. As loving these family relationships can be, they can get tough to handle on some days. For some, these relationships in family are exact opposite of safety, love and care. We all have been taught that no matter what, family always comes first, but what if that same family is the cause of one’s deteriorating mental health?

You do not have to deal with hostile or problematic family relationships or dysfunctional family all on your own. We have few of the best counsellors who can guide and be with you on this professional journey of family counselling. You can avail our in-person counselling sessions, which take place at our Pune branch.

What is Family Relationship Counselling?

Family counselling is a form of psychological counselling to help members of a family to build stronger relationships, have effective communication and to understand each other afresh. These sessions are guided by trained counsellors and psychotherapists.

The issues in a family can start off with small day-to-day life problems and may go on to become bigger concerns. This may especially happen when there’s a teenager in the house and the parents are not getting a guideline on how to have a conversation with their teenager, or when parents have hard time adjusting to the teenager’s changed behaviour.

The goal in family counselling is to identify the issues that occur in family, which could be emotional, behavioural or other, and to address these issues in a correct way.

Our Areas of Specialty in Family Relationship Counselling

The family dynamics are changing rapidly. The problems that used to occur 10-20 years ago, in a family setting, could be the same problems that the families face today but the issues could be more intense. A therapist can use different techniques to first understand the family dynamics and the issues, and then to work on those small to big concerns.

To help you understand our counsellors better, here’s a list of the specialization of the counsellors who excel in family counselling:

Why Do You Need Family Relationship Counselling?

In an Indian family setting, we often see that there is one person who is in charge of sorting out the issues that a family or a member of family faces. But at such times, other person’s thoughts or feelings aren’t taking into consideration. There are high chances that bias can take place and things may go wrong. To avoid this, to have a third person perspective and to get impartial guidance, it is important to opt for family counselling.

Family counselling can help one with many different issues. Some of them are:

When to get Family Relationship Counselling?

Family counselling can be opted when the small issues start becoming a huge concern in the family. It can be when two siblings do not get along well, or when parent’s start having concerns in their old age etc. It can be especially helpful if one of the family members is going through any psychological issues, say for example- depression. At such times, family counselling can help in making the family members understand about the issue. The counsellor can also let the family members know what they can do to accelerate progress of treatment for that individual and how to keep the environment at home during such times.

FAQs related to Family Counselling

Having a dysfunctional family cannot be easy. We can imagine how one must feel when there are issues in a family, the place where one goes for comfort. Taking on the step to start family counselling can be intimidating at first, but later it can be a soothing and calming experience. Read on to get the frequently asked questions answered.

Family counselling deals with understanding and unfolding family dynamics. The counsellor helps the members of the family, depending on the need, to have an open conversation about the issue and the counsellor also encourages them to see the same situation from different point of view.

There are different types of family counselling. These are mainly important for the counsellors so that they know what technique to use while planning the goal and treatment plan for the family. Some of the family counselling types are structural family therapy, strategic family therapy, relationship counselling, supportive family therapy, family therapy for psychoeducation etc.

The techniques of counselling depend completely on the issues presented by the family members. Once the counsellor understands what the issues are and where they coming from, then they can make a plan on how to move forward. For this, each and every family member needs to be as transparent as possible while interacting with the counsellor.

The common types of family therapy techniques are

  • Behavioural techniques: This is focused on observing the unhelpful behaviours of family members, giving them an insight about it and helping them to unlearn these behaviours.
  • Structural technique: This helps the family members with forming boundaries and creating new, healthy boundaries with one another.
  • Narrative technique: This helps the individuals in the family to have their own experience.
  • Strategic technique: This is more of a direct technique, where the counsellor works directly on the problem.

Looking for Family Relationship Counselling?

Are you someone who is suffering from family issues? Would you like some professional guidance on how to manage and deal with the same? Or do you have friends or family members who could benefit from a Family relationship counselling? Then click here to book a session with our family relationship counsellor now!



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